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General Information

  • Rylarians operate in groups, with 1-5 leaders.

  • They live in tribes;
    Aeithalis in the Jungle
    Agonos in the Desert
    Livadia in the Canyons
    Oreinos in the Mountains
    Kathara in the Boreal Forest
    Orion in the Tundra


  • Rylarians have antlers or horns upon their skulls

  • Both Doe's and Bucks are known to reach seven feet in height; it is not often that a Ry is shorter than four feet.

  • Due to their large ears, Rylarians have acute hearing, these also play a big part in body language.

  • Females = Doe
    Males = Buck

  • Rylarian markings are always the same color as their eyes, the markings can come in all shapes and sizes, covering the body or hard to find, there is always something. The only exemption to this is if the Rylarian has a mutation.

  • Ry markings are known to glow in the night, just like many other fauna on the planet. Some are hidden during the day, but are perfectly visible at night. 

  • Both does and bucks can regenerate limbs and body parts, which  is a large attribution of the rylarian biology.

    • Growing limbs can take up to four months, depending on the size of the limb


  • A Rylarian can live to be up to 600 years old, although the normal life span is 500 to 550 years. Despite this Rylarians grow from cub stage to adult fairly quickly.

  • Ry young = cubs (0-5yr)
    Teens = Juveniles (5-10yr) 

    • Rylarians are fully grown after 15 years.​

  • Neither does nor bucks are sexually mature until they are between 25 - 40 years old. This means their soulmate bonds do not come into play until then, either.

  • Rylarians are social and territorial animals, normally settling in a tribe or territory permanently. The only exception to this are loners, and the caravan which move throughout the year and usually stay in one area during the hard winter months.

    • Loners can claim territory and are fairly protective of it against possible intruders.​

Information on Does

  • Does are smaller and sleeker than bucks, lacking the deep chest and large antlers males have.

  • Females have long elegant horns that can spiral or curve behind their head depending on their crown.

  • Horns are used for fighting and defense, as well as to ward off unwanted sexual advances.

  • If a doe loses a horn, it will not regrow. If it breaks it will bleed and need treatment; an untreated break in their horn can (not often) lead to severe bleeding out and possibly death.

  • Does more commonly have longer tails then bucks, with plumes of fur at the end.

  • Average Speed; 45-50 Mph

  • Average Weight; 180 lbs-250 lbs

  • Average Height; 4’11’’ - 6’0’’ *May vary due to races

  • Average Bite; 700-1,100 psi

  • Average claw length - 4 inches *May vary due to races

Information on Bucks

  • Bucks are massive, sporting broad chests, shoulders and larger vertebrae in their neck to
    support their antlers, they stand considerably higher than does.

  • Antlers are used mainly for fighting and sparring.

  • Bucks will fight over does, territory, dens, items, objects or defense.

  • Unlike does, bucks lose their antlers annually, falling off in late fall and regrowing mid winter. Bucks during this time (in velvet) are more moody and their antlers are more sensitive, keeping them away from anything low hanging that might cause them pain.

  • Bucks' tails are commonly shorter, skinnier and less fluffy then their female counterparts. It is however apparent in some bucks.

  • Between the two sexes, Bucks are more aggressive.

Average Speed; 35-40 mph

Average Weight; 260 lbs-315 lbs

*Average Height; 5’11’’-6’10’’

Average Bite; 900-1,300 psi

*Average claw length; 4.5 inches

Genetics on Crowns

Each Rylarian Race has a different set of crowns. There are two types of crowns for each race. The most common is a Standard Crown and the rarer of the two are called Royal Crowns. The Royal crown set is a genetic mutation. This is purchasable only in the Scale Shop.

  • You cannot make your character have a Royal crown without specially given permission or purchasing through the shop.

  • A Doe with a royal crown set has a chance of passing down her trait.

       A Buck with a royal crown set has a slightly less chance of passing down his trait.

  • Two parents with Royal crown sets have a slightly higher chance to pass down their trait.

  this will be limited to one or two cubs a litter every other litter of your characters

  • A parent with a royal crown set and a parent with a standard crown set have a very low chance of passing the royal crown onto the litter.

  • A Buck with a standard crown will pass down his trait.

       A Doe with a standard crown will pass down her trait.

  • Two parents with standard crown sets have a 1-10% chance to get a cub with a royal crown, if either of the parents descend from a Rylarian with the royal crown types.

Two parents with standard crown sets have a 1% chance to get a cub with a royal crown.

Relationships, Reproduction, and Offspring


  • Rylarians can begin dreaming of their soulmate and the red string of fate at any age however it is usually around  the cub stages these begin to happen. 

  • Not many see what their soulmate looks like in the dreams, as they are usually portrayed as a dark silhouette.

  • During their adolescence the emotions tied to the string of fate come into play. 

  • Only under high emotion will the string of fate make itself visible for all partners who are tied together. 

Soulmate Options

  • Option 1: Accept and bond with the other, becoming mates for life.

  • Option 2: Get rejected. Rejected bonds from both sides causes the bond to become severed (it can be repaired with work). The bond will remain intact if the rejection is one-sided.

Rejection Consequences

  • The Rejecter will be faced with intense physical and mental pain. This will last up to a month before it subsides and disappears.

  • The Rejectee will face the same symptoms but they will be far less painful--more of a dull ache on the right side of the chest.

Both parties will experience the pain and depression that comes with, all will lessen with time.

Acceptance Consequences

  • Accepting the bond does not have to happen right away. It can take time for the bond to be accepted. Slow burns.

  • Their scent will become an indicator of what their mate(s) are feeling.

  • One sided Acceptance: 

    • Their soulmate's scent will become drug-like.​ (This stays the same if the bond is accepted by both sides.)(One sided acceptance and rejection will cancel the effect out.)


  • Once the soulmate bond has been sealed, the pair will be able to feel their partner’s heartbeat. Their normal heart beat will be felt in the left side of the chest, while they will be able to feel their partner’s heartbeat in the right side of the chest.


  • Rylarians can have relationships outside of their soulmate bonds, however these flings usually come to an end if their soulmate is found. (Unless the bond is rejected)

  • It is uncommon but is has been seen that pairs will reject their soulmate for their current partner.

  • Non-Soulmate pairs can have similar effects as the soulmate bond, however it will have to be worked on and it will not come very easily and will not be the same. 

  • The emotional part and heartbeat sharing of the soulmate bond is impossible with non-soulmate pairs.


  • Death of a soulmate is one of the most painful things for a Rylarian to experience. Upon their soulmate’s death, the right side of the chest, where they normally feel their mate’s heartbeat, hurts intensely. 

For players: If you do not want your Rylarian to have a bond, then say that either: Death, Rejection, or they never meet and never will meet their soulmate.


  • Rylarians can produce cubs from their outside relationships and soulmate, depending on the situation.

  • They have very strong bonds with their cubs. Even though the cubs can or will separate from the parents once they reach adulthood, the cubs will be fairly close to their parents and will often visit their parents if they live in separate tribes. 

  • Rylarians are very social creatures, they rely heavily on their tribe to provide social interactions.

  • Despite their socialness, the Rylarians have been seen to be very aggressive and territorial towards others outside their tribes. Especially when there are cubs within the home of the tribe.


  • Does have a heat cycle which can be pretty intense for them and their partner. All the same, Bucks will go through a rut, which is equally intense. Partners will usually stay together in their homes while riding out heats and ruts. It has been seen that partners can sync up on their cycles.

  • Only during the heat is the doe able to produce a clutch (usually one to three eggs). 

    • There are cases of four eggs, and cases of two or even three cubs sharing a single egg. (Twins and triplets are extremely rare.)

  • Their heat will only last Five days, and will occur another Four months afterwards. This is the normal cycle, though it can change depending on the doe.


  • In terms of conceiving, the Rylarians will mate like a basic canine.

  • A doe is able to conceive cubs from more than one male. (This is very rare and requires special permission from the owner of the species)

  • Bucks will knot the doe in order to ensure pregnancy.

  • Once impregnated, the doe will start to produce eggs in a pouch-like-uterus within the belly area. This will give the belly a swollen, pregnant look.

  • While does are pregnant, they will create nest like beds for their comfort and for when their cubs are layed.

  • The eggs will stay in the pouch for three months. In the fourth month of incubation, the does will lay the eggs into her nest. These eggs can stay in her nest or in the doe’s outer pouch.

  • Both bucks and does have this outer pouch. This is where the nipples are located for the species. The purpose of this pouch is to carry the cubs when they are very young.



  • Cubs are all born with a shell tooth, used to break and tear apart the egg shells. They will lose the shell tooth a few minutes after hatching.

  • Once the cubs hatch, they are cleaned of fluids and moved into the does outer pouch. There, the cubs will be fed milk from the mother and will spend a majority of their first few weeks of their life.

  • They can also stay within their fathers pouch if the situation calls for it.

  • Cubs are hatched with a full, extremely fluffy. dull pelt.

  • They are born without markings and a scent. Those usually come in after their shedding at the age of a year, where its replaced with a new, sleeker, colorful pelt and markings.

  • Cub’s eyes will begin to open within fifteen minutes to two hours after hatching. There is a film like substance that will coat their eyes for protection until their eyes are 100% developed. They can see, but not well.

  • Within Two weeks, the film will clear up and their ears will begin to open.

  • At six weeks they will start to move around the den. This is when the mother will begin the weaning process, giving them less milk and more meats, fruits and vegetables.

  • Cubs will stay in very close proximity with their parents for two years before they get more freedom.

  • At 10 years they have the option to stay or leave their tribe/parents.

Information on Venom

Venom is strong within Rylarians. It is interlaced into the body and works in tandem to keep the Rylarian healthy. It is essentially an additional immune system for the Rylarian.


Their venom will not often kill prey. It will weaken them, sedate, and or paralyze prey so that the Rylarian can go in for the kill. 

As their venom is odd and far from the standard, it can come clear or in color. Depending on the color, it will dye the mouth and blood that same color. 

Rylarian venom can be used to clean and numb wounds, as long as their venom is used on their own body. 

There are different types of venom, but all of them will still do the basic functions stated above. Please pick one for your Rylarian.

  • Proteolytic venom dismantle the molecular surroundings, including the bite.

  • Hemotoxic venom acts on the heart and cardiovascular system.

  • Neurotoxic venom acts on the nervous system and brain.

  • Cytotoxic venom has a localized action at the site of the bite.

Information on Races 

This information will be revised.

There are Six total races of Rylarians.

Zounkla in the Jungle.

Erimos of the Desert.

Farangi of the Canyons.

Vouno of the Mountains.

Tountra within the Tundra.

And the newly discovered race, Nisaki, the islanders.

No information of the Nisaki is being shared at this time.


Each race has qualities that are specific to their race! 


  • Despite being region specific, any race of Rylarian can exist anywhere on the continent. Though the North might be a little too cold for the Erimos and the south might be way too hot for the Tountra. 

  • Cubs that are born from 1 or more races, can exhibit traits specific to one race, and show no traces of another. Or they can be a great mix of whatever races they have in their DNA.



(Snow desert, Tundra, High mountains, Ice caps)

  • These Rylarians are usually ound in the snowy northern part of the continent.

  • They are burlier with the thickest coats of all Rylarians.

  • Thicker noses for the cold air.

  • Snow-shoe, fluffy, webbed paws.

  • Saber fangs are found on both genders. (Males usually have longer fangs)

  • Shortest Rylarian subspecies.

  • Southern Tountra have white, silver, or grey colored coats.

  • Northern Tountra have darker gre, black and brown colored coats.

these colors are due to a lack of sunlight.

Taqqiq is north west.

Siqiniq is south east.

Kinguyakki in the center.




(Boreal Forest, Mountains)

  • Vouno are the ones that live within the mountains.

  • They are the only subspecies who has fur that changes with the seasons.

    • Warmer seasons: brown, red or gray coat colors​

    • Colder seasons give them a completely white coat that matches their surroundings.

  • Semi webbed toes.

  • Medium in height and heavy build.

  • Large paws, but short retractable claws.

Tribe; Oreinos




  • Tallest of the races, with skinny bodies and long legs.

  • Fastest in speed.

  • Short and sleek fur, colors ranging from browns, tans, creams, grays, and some cases of black and white.

  • Small paws, non-retractable claws.

  • Large lungs, chest and nostrils for more air intake.

  • Have a hidden set of fangs on the roof of the mouth, behind the row of teeth, they move forward much like a snake.

Tribes; Agonos





  • Tall, strong legs for hiking in the Canyons.

  • Tails work as a rotor blade when running; this enables quick turns when hunting prey.

  • Brown, tan, cream, grey, red and white colored sleek coats.

  • Larger paws with non-retractable claws

Tribe: Livadia



(Rainforest, Jungle)


  • Zounkla have lighter bones, to enable them to run up the trees.

    • With this, they need to take in more calcium for their health.

  • Have the most diversity in pelt colors, the diversity offer amazing camouflage.

  • Third largest Race of the species.

  • Thick, retractable claws for tree climbing.

  • Zounkla bucks have the largest crowns.

Tribe; Aeithalis


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