Deep within the heart of the jungle known as Fylla, lies Tribe Aeithalis, home to many, many Rylarians.
The camp of Aethalis was unnoticeable from afar. But when it all came into view, the large mother tree at the center that stood out the most. There were holes and pathways cut into the tree, all which lead to a large burrows carved into the tree at the very top. Along the bottom were tents and thick gorse to shield the camp from intruders.
As one would walk up the tree, lanterns would light the way. Paths and bridges branched out from the tree, leading to other branches and smaller trees. Most of these which held substantially large burrows, similar in structure to the main den that was clearly the centerpiece. Claw marks scraped up the trees in some places, presumably from Rylarians climbing up to get where they needed to be. As the sun began to set, the large tree was a perfect place to sit and watch. At night, tiny lightning bugs would light up the forest surrounding the camp, giving the area a very serene and ethereal feeling.
Empress - Avana
[Tier 3]
Archontas [Lord] - Mercier
Kyria [Lady] - Xeira
Varonos [Baron] -
Varoni [Baroness] -
Profitis [Soothsayer/Seer] - Aksinya
Midiki [Healer] -
Retired - 0/#
[Tier 2]
Katoikos [Lead Doctor] [1/4]
Aspida [Lead Guard] [1/4]
Asteri [Lead Astronomer] [0/4]
Oplítis [Lead Warrior] [0/4]
Toxotis [Lead Hunter] [0/4]
Voskos [Lead Shepherd] [0/4]
Fylakas [Lead Broodmother] [0/4]
Dromeas [Lead Seeker] [0/4]
[Tier 1]
Giatros [Doctor] [3/#]
Froura [Guard] [0/#]
Mantis [Astronomer] [1/#]
Polemistis [Warrior] [0/#]
Kynigos [Hunter] [1/#]
Ageli[Shepherd] [1/#]
Cheri [Broodmother] [0/#]
Ziton [Seeker] [0/#]
Tier 0
Mathitis [Student] [2/#]