One never forgets Livadia, and their long trek down into the deep Vathys Canyons in Varathro
As one would scale down the canyon wall, the camp of Livadia would become visible. It was raised on a small plateau, a large jagged wall raised behind the brunt of the camp. Where there wasn’t a natural wall, tumbleweeds and bracken had been gathered and built up on gathered rocks to sustain some sort of security for those within.
The first notable thing was the pathway down to the river, where a few Rys relaxed and played in the morning sun. A few pots laid to rest around the edges of this path. The entrance of the camp was built up with rocks and gorse, so you had to duck and wiggle through a spiny tunnel to make it into the camp. Once inside, the first notable thing was the dens. Instead of tents, as there had been everywhere else, they had used the thicket to shape small huts in the walls and cover them with furs. Wood planks lined the tops, held up by logs. To keep the rain out. If need be, you could retreat into the dense gorse until you hit the rock wall. Barren bushes and rocks surrounded the clearing, and a large rock jutted out from the wall. It was high enough to jump onto, and the large cave underneath was covered in furs and trinkets that blew in the wind.
Corona - Ire
[Tier 3]
Archontas [Lord] - Niklaus
Kyria [Lady] -
Varonos [Baron] -
Varoni [Baroness] -
Profitis [Soothsayer/Seer] -
Midiki [Healer] -
Retired - 1/#
[Tier 2]
Katoikos [Lead Doctor] [0/4]
Aspida [Lead Guard] [0/4]
Asteri [Lead Astronomer] [0/4]
Oplítis [Lead Warrior] [0/4]
Toxotis [Lead Hunter] [0/4]
Voskos [Lead Shepherd] [0/4]
Fylakas [Lead Broodmother] [0/4]
Dromeas [Lead Seeker] [0/4]
[Tier 1]
Giatros [Doctor]
Froura [Guard]
Mantis [Astronomer]
Polemistis [Warrior]
Kynigos [Hunter]
Cheri [Broodmother]
Ziton [Seeker]
Tier 0
Mathitis [Student]