Deep within the Ammos Desert, lies Agonos, shielded from the harsh environment by their Oasis.
The entrance to Agonos was something else entirely, a large sandstone archway that seemed to grow straight from the sand underfoot. Ragged walls crowded to the sides of it, forming an ominous maw in the barren dunes. The walkway slanted down as one entered, leading to a large bowl like structure dug into the ground of the desert. If you looked up, you could see the jagged walls curling overhead, becoming wicked spikes. The area bustled with life, pathways zigzagging up and down the walls, leading to caves and tunnels and many other wondrous things to see. Who knew how far some of these reached?
Tents were spread out among the caves, which clearly lead to more sheltered areas. Presumably, more Rys stayed back within the caves rather than the tents. They were spread out, but most notably was the largest one on the right of the entrance. Someone important must reside there!
Pawprints marred the sand beneath your toes, and the sun made the clearing sparkle. In the center of the camp, was a beautiful Oasis, surrounded by trees, green leaves and decorated in pink petals.
As it had just rained, the ground smelled sweet. Full of life. Almost like a new story, just waiting to happen.
Agonos has no set ruler, it is co-run by twins Ardea and Antium, with the help of their tribe.
[Tier 3]
Achrontas [Lord] - Antium
Kyria [Lady] - Ardea
Varonos [Baron] - Kashaw
Varoni [Baroness] -
Profitis [Soothsayer/Seer] - Chie
Midiki [Healer] -
Retired - 0/#
[Tier 2]
Katoikos [Lead Doctor] [0/4]
Aspida [Lead Guard] [0/4]
Asteri [Lead Astronomer] [0/4]
Oplítis [Lead Warrior] [0/4]
Toxotis [Lead Hunter] [0/4]
Voskos [Lead Shepherd] [0/4]
Fylakas [Lead Broodmother] [0/4]
Dromeas [Lead Seeker] [0/4]
[Tier 1]
Giatros [Doctor] [1/#]
Froura [Guard] [2/#]
Mantis [Astronomer] [0/#]
Polemistis [Warrior] [1/#]
Kynigos [Hunter] [0/#]
Ageli[Shepherd] [0/#]
Cheri [Broodmother] [0/#]
Ziton [Seeker] [0/#]
Tier 0
Mathitis [Student] [0/#]