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So you’ve gotten an interest in our world, eh? Well if you’re wanting your own Rylarian this is the right place to start! In the world of Hiraeth there are many possibilities to creating your first character and nudging your imagination. 

Before designing your character it’s important to flesh your character out first. You can begin by filling out this form! (This isn’t necessary but encouraged.)


  • Name

  • Gender

  • Age

  • Race

  • Tribe

To Begin. . .

Your Rylarians gender and race are what help decide what kind of crown they have, as some races

have different shapes, sizes and even lengths of antlers and horns.

ROYAL CROWNS are permission only, but you may apply for one if you wish.

STANDARD CROWNS are free to anyone for use.

You can find the race information here below, and where they are commonly located!

We have five races altogether who originate from different parts of the continent!

  • Tountra from the Tundra
    - Commonly found in Kinguyakki, Siqiniq, & Taqqiq (chioni region)

  • Vouno from the Mountains
    - Commonly found in Oreinos (konofora region)

  • Farangi in the Canyons
    - Commonly found in Livadia (varathro region)

  • Erimos in the desert
    - Commonly found in Agonos (ammos region)

  • Zounkla in the jungle
    - Commonly found in Aeithalis (fylla region)

  • Nisaki from the Sea

       - Extremely rare and currently off limits

Types of Rylarians


Bucks are Male

Does are Female


For reference; Only Zounkla can have a Zounkla crown, Erimos only Erimos, so on and so forth.
But, if your character is mixed between race and race, then you have the option of choosing either of the two crown types. This goes for a Rylarian that might be mixed between three races.

All Rylarians have markings that coincide with their eye colors. For example if your Rylarian has purple eyes, they have to have at least two markings on them that same purple.

Each species have different color requirements that you have to follow (don’t worry, it’s pretty easy!)
Note: Its not required to follow this completely, this is just what is common for the races


  • Tountra
    - Southern Tountra color’s: whites, silvers, greys.
    - Northern Tountra color’s: dark grays, blacks, dark browns

  • Vouno
    - brown, red, or gray coats

  • Erimos/Farangi
    - Tans, grays, browns, creams. (Some cases of black or white.)

  • Zounkla
    - No specific coat color requirements. (Must stay semi-realistic in color! No neons.)

    Don't worry, you aren't limited to just these colors. The colors listed by race are only a guide as to what is most commonly found with that particular race.

Crown Guide

* If you need any help with designing or want to transfer a design onto the lineart of your choice, you can head to the character-help channel and our members or staff will be more than happy to assist you!

* Some features are permission only (Royal crowns, mutations, etc.) and require written permission from staff or acceptance of an application before you’re able to put the feature in use.

* If you have any further questions or suggestions please don’t hesitate to speak your mind to staff either in the server or privately, whichever is most comfortable with you!

Now that you have a general idea of what you want for your Rylarian, you can go ahead and design your character! All linearts and application sheets needed can be found in the server’s directory or below !



Once you have them designed, you can smack that character into the character Submissions section within the discord! 
Once accepted, you will get the approved role, can post your character into the application sheet section and get to roleplaying.

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