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Current Plot - The Four of the Apocalypse

Stage 1 - Conquest


A new Rylarian has been seen on the continent, and rumor has spread about his sheer strength and power. This new buck has remained quiet for some time, but recently, has taken over Absum Regiment, the group previously owned by the Invaders. Word is that he slayed their leader, driving her own horn through her skull. He renamed Absum to Kathara, meaning Pure. He hasn't struck any of the main tribes, but has not sat quietly on his new throne.
His threat is as clear as day.
War is upon us.



Tragedy has struck. During the latest tribal meeting in Sanida, a body has been found. This body belongs to tribe Aeithalis. They had severe lacerations along the body and throat. An unknown scent lingered around them, belonging to none of the tribes. Aeithalis has departed from Sanida to go home, to mourn their lost member and give them their final send off. The other tribes either remain to discuss this incident further with the Council, or head home as well. Who would do such a thing during this time of peace?


The leader of Oreinos, Monty, was confirmed murdered. The scent of Kathara was strong on his body and in the surrounding area. 
Oreinos mourns their loss, Kathara will pay for the life they have stolen. 

Previous Plot - The Invaders

More tba. When it is added, it will include a timeline of events as well.

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