Name - Solveig Andino
Nickname - Sol
Gender - Doe
Age - 102
Scent - Sea Salt and Coconut Rum
Voice -
Species - Rylarian
Race - Zounkla/Erimos
Born - Loner
Cub of - Hagoka [Deceased] + Merida [Deceased]
Hatch mate of - Unknown
Parent of - None
Sexual Orientation - Pansexual
Eyes follow -
Curious about -
Bound to -
Soulmate is - Unknown
Loyalty lies with - Djävulhandlare
Bows to - None
Ranked as - Captian
Personality - Solveig is a crass and harsh doe. She cares little for the tribes and really only cares for her crew and her bounty. Pirates or Hired bounty hunter, whichever pays more.
She is not likely do something for the good of other unless its for the good of her crew.
Speed - 46 mph
Bite - 998 psi
Height - 6'2''
Weight - 245 lbs Pure muscle
Crown Type - Z. Standard
Venom type - Cytotoxic
Venom color - Glowing blue
Blood color - Glowing blue
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 3
Constitution - 9
Intelligence - 18
Wisdom - 7
Charisma - 14