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Name - Hippolyta Selene Kalí Kardiá
Nickname - Selene, Sel
Gender - Doe
Age - 77 Years
Scent - Lavender
Voice -
Species - Rylarian
Race - Vouno
Born - Kayenari, Konofora
Cub of - Phaedra [Deceased] and Unknown father
Hatch mate of - None
Parent of - Bellatrix [Oreinos]
Sexual Orientation - Heterosexual
Eyes follow -
Curious about -
Bound to -
Soulmate is - Unknown
Loyalty lies with - Oreinos
Bows to - Monty
Ranked as - Cheri [Care-taker]
Desires to become a -
Personality - Selene is a quiet, shy and anxious doe.
Speed - 35mph
Bite - 600psi
Height - 5'6''
Weight - 190lbs
Crown Type - V. Royal
Venom type - Hemotoxin
Venom color - Red
Blood color - Red
Strength -
Dexterity -
Constitution -
Intelligence -
Wisdom -
Charisma -
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