Name - Nixie Quilin
Nickname - Nix
Gender - Doe
Age - 10
Scent - Peppermint
Voice -
Species - Rylarian
Race - N. Tountra + S. Tountra
Born - Taqqiq, Chioni
Cub of - Casilo [Kinguyakki] and Salifra [Deceased]
Hatch mate of - None
Raised by Kyro [Brother]
Parent of -
Sexual Orientation - Unknown
Eyes follow -
Curious about -
Bound to -
Soulmate is -
Loyalty lies with - Taqqiq
Bows to - Kyro
Ranked as - Mathitis [Student]
Desires to become a - Ziton [Seeker/Messanger]
Personality - Nixie is ball of energy, she always needs to be doing something.
Speed - 50 mph
Bite - 700psi
Height - 5'0''
Weight - 150lbs
Crown Type - T. Standard
Venom type - Cytotoxin
Venom color - Crimson
Blood color - Crimson
Strength -
Dexterity -
Constitution -
Intelligence -
Wisdom -
Charisma -