Name - Mariana Alkaria Barrow
Nickname - Mari, Mar, Starlight
Gender - Doe
Age - 5 years old
Scent - Vanilla
Voice -
Species - Rylarian
Race - Tountra/Vouno, traces of Zounkla
Born - Aeithalis, Fylla
Cub of - Xeira [Aeithalis] and Mercier [Aeithalis]
Hatch mate of - Grimm [Twin brother]
Parent of - None
Sexual Orientation - Unknown
Eyes follow -
Curious about -
Bound to -
Soulmate is - Unknown
Loyalty lies with - Aeithalis
Bows to - Avana
Ranked as - Unranked
Desires to become a - Unknown
Personality -
As Mariana is very young, she has yet to develop a more complex personality.
So far, it's shown that Mari enjoys sleeping and cuddling with her parents. Lazy.
She also shows an odd understanding of the world. She knows random things.
Speed -
Bite -
Height -
Weight -
Crown Type - T. Standard
Venom type - Unknown
Venom color - Bright green
Blood color - Bright green
Strength -
Dexterity -
Constitution -
Intelligence -
Wisdom -
Charisma -